Friday, November 27, 2009

being thankful

Even though I am not American
I thought I would make a list
12 things
that I'm
thankful for...

First up,the kind of obvious,quite serious,but still very true things...
1.My mother
2.My cat-daughter,Maya
3.Jacques,the love of my life
4.My best friend in the world,Liz
5.The rest of my family
6.Having a job
7.Pictures of my dad - they keep him close to me

and now,the less serious,but no less important,things that I'm
thankful for...

8.Pizza,any kind,anywhere,any time
9.A cold shower after a long hot day
10.Beautiful roses that grow in my 'garden',and pretty up our apartment
11.My new fridge,that still makes my heart very happy
12.Good stuff to watch on tv,when I'm super bored


Kirsty said...

Ah, the fridge, most un-thanked kitchen appliance of all. Seriously, where would we be without them?? (Where would I keep my cheese?!)

Angela Tolsma said...

good list. Yea for the fridge

Teena in Toronto said...

I adore pizza!

Happy blogoversary!

ghost community said...

well there is a good post, I can see your feeling here, but I can't to describe..

ghost community said...

well there is a good post, I can see your feeling here, but I can't to describe..

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
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Kristy said...

I am very much thankful, of course aside from the family which is always given, I am thankful for having my laptop and cellphone which is very helpful with my day to day activities and work. Without it, I'm lost. I am also thankful for the wishes that have been granted. - juicy couture sidekick

BlackBerry Hosted Exchange said...

That was very touching!

Elliott Bellaire said...

I'm so happy for you! Everyday, there are lots of things that I'm very thankful for. Like having a wonderful wife and kids, having true friends with me all the time, and having the things that I've been struggling to have since I was a kid. And, oh! Gotta be thankful for having a fridge full of good stuff, too!

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