Thursday, July 2, 2009


For some unexplainable reason,I dreamt of this man last night...

He is by no means my favorite actor out of Twilight,so how the hell he ended up being the object of my affection in my very exciting dream,only my subconscious can tell you.

But hey,I'm not complaining.As far as dream hunks go,he's definitely not bad.Not bad at all.


Ash said...

I woulddnt mind dreaming about him. Mmmm very yummy topless! :)

About changling... well the ending doesnt reveal anything. To give the story away... She doesnt him him, but we are not told if he is dead or not. So after the end w are told she spent her life looking for him.

It is a sad movie. I cried... heaps. Peter thought I was being rediclous, but thats boys for ya!

I wouldnt watch it if you dont want a sad movie.

Anonymous said...

He is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seeing those pics have made my day!!! Thanks

Anonymous said...

mmm yummy. what a wonderful way to start my day.
i loveeeee me some cam.
you know he just had a baby girl named everleigh? she's adorable.

La Belette Rouge said...

Since he is in your dreams I wonder if Robert Pattinson is available to come round and visit me as I sleep. Ooh, I think that statement makes me somewhat cougary. Why, oh why, can't I be an immortal??

Awesome Sara said...

shot i woulndt mind dreaming about him!!!

whibley said...

yeah..he's not bad at all..but if he was Laurent, you know the other vampire then it was a nightmare. haha =]

creative kerfuffle said...

dude--be happy w/ who you dreamt about. a few years ago i dreamt i was in bed w/ eric estrada. and i never even liked eric estrada! oof.

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