Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ooh la la,it's Thursday,which means it's almost Friday!

As you can see,Thursday fever is getting to me,because we're that much closer to FRIDAY,my favorite day of the week!

And since I'm at this very moment in quite a good mood,and because when I'm in a good mood I always feel like laughing at something funny or seeing something cool,I've decided to show you somethings I thought were funny/cool.

Now,I know I don't always have the best sense of humor and by no means a very high IQ,but I sure hope you enjoy at least some of these.Because in my opinion,there is nothing better in this world than a good laugh (well...except really good sex,milk chocolate,pizza,catching up with your friends,sleeping late...)Ok,so there are lots of great things in life,but a good laugh is definitely in the top 10.

An hilarious game of 'guess who?" (that guy with the lisp is hysterical).

Oh yeah,this kid is gona be super popular in high school.

And last,but certainly not least,the ever popular LOL Cats (ok,I love 'em,so hush,and enjoy the cuteness)


drollgirl said...

oh that little boy is so EARNEST! very cute.

creative kerfuffle said...

hey there! : ) i just saw you are following my blog (yeah, i'm not all techno savvy to catch on to these things). stop by, leave a comment. oh, and? i LOVE lolcats. love.them.

Bon Don said...

Ok, I TOTALLY needed that right now!!

Thank you so much for making me laugh!! those videos are awesome :)

*Bon Don*

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